Sunday, September 08, 2024

GASP! Nepo Babies!!!

It's funny that when a family member joins a family business such as a plumber or lawyer we're overcome with Rockwellian feelings of warm & fuzzy American/Baby Jesus Exceptionalism but when it happens in Hollywood we're supposed to be outraged either at the depraved nepotism presumably led by elite Jews who worship Satan or that Evil Nepo Baby is taking up a spot that theoretically could be filled by one of the "real" Americans out there when in fact we should be surprised MORE actors aren't nepo babies as it's just as organically inevitable as any other industry; it's easy for us to genuflect over the nobility of the 4th-generation coal miner while shitting on Maya Hawke because paradoxically we all know that 95% of the people who would ever claim to prefer being the former over the latter are 100% full of shit.

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