Monday, September 09, 2024

Lessons of Love. I Teach Them.

When I was just the tender age of 16 I fell in teenaged love for the first time and was entering the "I will do literally anything to make this girl feel the same about me" phase of things; before I'd gotten a chance to ask her out on a real date (we only saw each other for about 5 hours throughout the school day, so 🤷‍♂️) she approached me and asked if I wanted to go with her to a Chicago concert. Not a concert in Chicago mind you, but the (cough) band Chicago. As well as being a 16 year-old newly in love I was a 16 year-old with discerning musical tastes who believed there was almost nothing more sacred and that even in the name of love, I could not in good conscience sign off on supporting something as shit as Chicago, so I politely declined.

Then we went on to date for about two years, it went about as exactly the same as 90% of normal high school romances, and I doubt the concert rejection was either mentioned or remembered by either of us at the time.

The point I'm trying to make is that you really didn't have to wear the fucking hat & sing along with her in front of everybody, bro.

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