Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Xmastime Fall TV Preview

My new favorite stock character on the Trump Presidential Campaign Reality Show since his disastrous debate is the guy who cocks his head to the side, squints slightly off into the distance murmuring, "I just wish he'd get back to talking policy...."; they try to sound like the old fuckers in NYC talking about seeing DiMaggio, as if "ooooooooh yeah if only we could get back to being privileged enough to witness Trump carefully walking an arena through a Powerpoint detailing the absurdly intricate details of his policies as if an old master playing a Stradivarius..." when I barely even need to remind any human being on the planet that his opponent would LOVE it if he tried to talk about policy and would probably agree to forfeit the race if he made it through 8 seconds without sounding like an absolute blithering fucking idiot.

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