Tuesday, September 10, 2024

#XOTD2009: A Compendium

Here's my favorite things WITHOUT COMMENT! from posts of mine throughout September 10, 2009 AND YES YOU'RE WELCOME EVERYBODY!!
Legends Club? 
FREE FOOD. ALL YOU CAN FUCKING EAT. I don't just mean burgers and hot dogs either - you walk in the room and it's like a goddam wedding reception: dudes set up at stations with carving knives, waiting for you to point at what you want and they don't stop piling the shit on til you tell them too. Truffle rolls, lobster salad, sushi, tuna nicoise salad, penne with blue claw crab sauce, summer pancetta and heirloom tomato sandwiches, whatever you fucking want, it's amazing. I almost fell to me knees in tears. Of course, I got the burgers and hot dogs. 

But it's also the only time, before or since, when I felt like I didn't have any friends.

And so this happy little thing over at The Parsley Thief is blowing my mind. Leave the butter out? And it stays fresh? And soft? WTF? And yet we can't figure out how to make a movie without Will Ferrell taking his shirt off? Really?

When I was a kid I dropped the lid to a can of Play-Doh in the radiator in my room, and I couldn't reach it with my little (beautiful?) fingers. I peered in and saw that the heat was making the lid slowly start to melt and I thought oh my god, this is going to burn the house down. So I did what any kid my age woulda done: hid under my bed.

Geez. First I spend all day getting weepy watching old-school ACC games, and now Hoosiers is on AGAIN. Lil early to be getting my basketball jones going, ain't it? Or is somebody telling me something...that it's time to start playing above the rim like I used to??!?!??!!

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