Friday, October 11, 2024

Oh FFS du Jour

The movie celebrating Saturday Night Live's 50th anniversary today is out & I'm sure I'll watch it & it'll be entertaining, but in 2024 why would it occur to anyone to NOT do an incredibly well-done, thorough & definitive documentary instead? I mean I know the whole "oh my god we're scrambling to get this thing on the air by 11:30pm!!" is a big part of it, but is it the ONLY part? Really, after 50 years, that's it? Let me guess - half of it's gonna be Forrest-Gumping iconic moments everybody knows and the other half’s gonna be "oh WOW John Belushi is CRAY-ZEEEEEEE!" In other words, a big snoooooooooooze.

50 years. What a fucking waste. But then, they've decided to fucking ruin this celebratory season already anyways, so 🤷‍♂️.

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