Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rape, Backflips and Pies

Obama should say “fuck you” to the McCain people now pouncing on him about the surge going better than he expected. His response should be “well guess what – I didn’t want us there in the first place, shitforbrains.” To me McCain et al are acting like a dude that raped a woman, but now wants you to know that she had an orgasm. An akin thought by moi back in September:

But even if we are to assume the Surge was a small success, why am I supposed to be so fucking thrilled about it? To me, this is like someone coming over and burning my house down to the ground, then laying a single brick down in it’s place and then being incredulous that I wasn’t doing backflips and baking pies to thank him. Hey, thanks for the brick to rebuild with, but maybe you shouldn’t have burned my house down in the first place, dipshit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the extent your politics are an extension of your own self esteem, you're not supposed to give a shit, fucko! Now get back to writing your memoirs.