Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Plax II

Everyone's worked up about Plaxico having a gun ILLEGALLY - apparently it was registered in Florida, but not in NY. And while they're right to be pissed about that, basically it's just a technicality that can now be used to really put him in deep shit. But the thing is, what if the gun HAD been registered in NY? It's not like he registered it some country in South America, it was only registered in another state - it's not as if having a gun registered here is that much harder than having it registered in Fla. So it could've just as easily been registered here, and then what would we have? The same thing as before: some guy drinking in a crowded club with a loaded gun. Registered guns fuck shit up as well as unregistered ones (I'm guessing here.)

I don't hang around a lot of clubs with dudes packing heat, but I'm guessing that the kind of guys who feel like it's perfectly normal to bring a loaded gun to a club and start drinking are the kind of guys that could give two shits where or if the thing is registered. Plax will go down, and he should, but I can't say I'm in love with hearing that the club will not be getting into any trouble because they are, get this, "cooperating."

Really? They weren't really cooperating very well when they let a guy into their club that they knew had a loaded gun, were they? And when they saw him drinking and didn't step in, they weren't really cooperating then, were they?

Well, actually, I guess they were. They were indeed cooperating...with Plax. And yet they're not in trouble here. Interesting.

It's true what they say: guns don't kill; letting dudes walk around with loaded handguns does. What a nice position we've put ourselves in!

SIDE NOTE: I've had it with these athletes who insist they needs guns for protection cause they're carrying around so much cash. REEally? What the fuck are you carrying cash around for? Why does Plaxixo Burress need a fat wad of bills on him at all times? Do we honestly think athletes pay for shit anyways - do you think Jeter can remember the last time he held a $5 bill? For fuck's sake.


Anonymous said...

could he be a cowboy by the playoffs, or will he have to wait til next season?

Rambler said...

The club will get some shit too, trust me. bloomberg, who has no problems flouting the law when he wants something, will see to it.

And no, i'm not really saying Plax should get a pass, just enjoying the irony of bloomberg outraged with someone breaking the law.