Friday, February 06, 2009

Oh No! I'm Scared!!!

Never minding the fact that what he is “predicting” is partly due to himself and his “Jesus Kicks Ass” policies of the past 8 years, it is almost sad to watch Dick Cheney still kicking the stall, childishly clamoring for attention with the same tired old shit.

Yes, I know an attack on Obama's watch would vindicate you and make you and Bush the GREATEST LEADERS IN WORLD HISTORY!!!!!!, but in the meantime shut the fuck up and try not to eat any small children you've rolled over in your Wheelchair of Death.

While fear-mongering is still his only weapon at this point, I’d like to think that one thing we’ve learned since 9-11 is that what you do AFTER an attack is as (if not more) important as what you do before. Otherwise, these are just the sad sounds of an old man who in saying such crap is no better than the jagoffs I wrote about HERE. Yes genius, eventually there will be a terrorist attack on the US. Wow. You did it, Sherlock!!! Also: Angelina Jolie will be on a magazine cover sometime this year!!!!! Xmastime will propose to a plate of egg foo young!!! Oooooh, it's getting spooky!!

Of course, another question would be why the fuck are we even interviewing this guy? Why are we giving him a pulpit to preach from? 1) He's just an ex-VP who left with the lowest ratings since The Michael Richards Show and 2) do we really not know what he's gonna say if interviewed? For chrissake, what amazing reporting. If I wanna talk about underage girls showing their titties I'll talk to Joe Francis, and if I wanna talk about the fact that at any second Muslims are gonna swarm America and kill us all because Obama hasn't put us all in a plastic bubble, I'll talk to Dick Cheney. Bout as interesting as wondering if the sun comes up in the morning.

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