Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Response

I'm listening to Bobby Jindal on the radio, and I'm telling you, dude should do voice work on the radio. Could listen all day; I feel like I'm hanging around a gas station in 1950 talking about the Rooskies and not believing color tv exists. Intoxicating.

I also like that, despite 7 people (including an infant) being shot there earlier today, he opens up with "Happy Mardi Gras!!"

Also: he says he doubts the federal government can really get this recovery done, since "look how they handled Katrina." You know, back when the Congress was ruled by the Democrats. And Obama was in the White House - I mean, lounging around on vacation. Hmm.

Another favorite is his suggestion that instead of spending money monitoring volcano eruptions, we should instead monitor spending. Cause if there's one thing the governor of Louisiana should know, it's that the monitoring of potential natural disasters is a complete waste of time. Hmm.

Mostly, he sounds like a goofy, rubbery funny guy who, to be honest, you just wanna squeeze-hug and make him say words over and over.

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