Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chas Freeman

Other than being mildly annoyed that apparently I have a better chance of fucking Heather Locklear than Obama does of actually filling his own staff, I've only vaguely been aware of the whole Chas Freeman fiasco. But I figured if linking to an article in the Washington Post was worth it to the UG to stop watching Steel Magnolias and crying 24/7, I might as well read the article; at which one word jumped out at me: "impartiality."

Turns out that when people like Joe Leiberman and Steve israel question Freeman's "impartiality," what they actually mean is "not impartial in the way that pleases us." Turns out Freeman's big crime was making some statements that dared to criticize Israel - which, as I wondered about here before, is apparently treason in this country.
Lieberman cited Freeman's past relationships and statements that, the senator said, "appear either inclined to lean against Israel or too much in favor of China."

The powers that be spend a lot of time braying over and over how close our bond is to Israel, she is our sister, our bond will never be broken. And they spend a lot of time making us worry that China is gonna buy us for a nickel and take over the world. And yet apparently it's more important to have a chairman of the NIC who will spend most of his time with his lips hoovered to Israel's ass than it is to have a chairman of the NIC who might be somewhat helpful with Chinese relations. I'm officially giving up.

And of course our foreign intelligence over the last decade has been amazing, and has helped lead us to zero bad decisions (as long as you don't count wars, or invading the wrong country, or choosing to occupy countries who don't want you there.) Hmm.

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