Friday, March 27, 2009

Heady Days for South Carolina

South Carolina unemployment has hit 11%. And while to somebody reading that it would seem like a big deal, but South Carolineans aren't worried because Soon-to-be-Governor-of-the-Year Mark Sanford is smartly showing up at the blazing fire with a book of matches instead of a water hose. By the time Sanford is done turning away money and costing people more jobs, a day like today with only 11% unemployment will feel like the "good 'ol days!" to people in South Carolina. So instead of writing articles about it and screaming at Sanford to take the federal money, let's let the nice people of SC enjoy these times with what I'm sure is a series of barbeques and Field Day events to celebrate a day like today. Enjoy it, guys!! We're all jealous!

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