Friday, March 27, 2009

Republicans are AWESOME!!!

Over at TOWN HALL Hugh Hewitt is asking how much money Rahm Emmanuel made while single-handedly driving Freddy Mac to place people in homes they couldn't afford so that Marxism can take over America, and asks the question
Would Karl Rove have survived on the White House staff after such a story? Would any Republican?

To even ask the question is laughable - if there's one they've we've learned over the years, it's that with any nefarious move any Republican makes comes swift and severe retribution; from President Bush to Vice President Cheney on down the chain. And a big difference between a Republican and Rahm "I will chop off a horse's head and leave it in your bed if you ask to change the tv channel" Emmanuel is a Republican would never have let things go so far as to be judged by others - recognizing that he has been making large sums of money in anything even remotely resembling quasi-questionable circumstances, the Republican would've given away that money to a soup kitchen on his way to turn himself in and throw himself onto the mercy of the American people. So Hugh, please: no more stupid questions!

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