Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mark McGwire

I've stated before HERE that even supposing he didn't take steroids, he still didn't belong in the Hall of Fame.
even if God showed up and said that Mark McGuire did not roid up, there’s no way he gets my vote to go into the Hall of Fame. 1) no glove at all 2) ALL he did was hit homers. And when that’s the ONLY thing you do and that is under suspicion, sorry, but you’re out. At least Canseco could steal bases. My #1 reason I would never vote him in:

Career hits: 1,626 Career strikeouts: 1,596

1,600 hits, and only 30 more hits than strikeouts for his career!???!? No way. So even if you remove the roids issue, he’s no HOFer in my book….and Mark, your crying, worthless jag in front of Congress did not help you….nor did making out with your son at home plate after you hit #62
Obviously his now admitting he juiced makes this point even more moot in my book.

But it's also pretty clear that his "coming clean" is in part to clear the way for him becoming a hitting coach for the Cardinals this season. Now, part of being a "hitting" coach would, I assume, entail teaching other players how to "hit" the ball. So not only would I not want him in the Hall of Fame, but someone needs to explain to me why I'd want a lifetime .263 hitter who had only 30 fewer strikeouts than his 1,626 hits teaching me how to hit a baseball. I mean, what the fuck? Yes, if I want some juiced-up lumberjack who can cry on cue to teach me how to hit the ball outta the park and absolutely nothing else, he's my guy. Otherwise, you gotta be kidding me.

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