Friday, February 05, 2010

Sniffy Wiffy is Special

I don't really know what to say about Palin's thoughts on the word "retarded." Apparently when Rahm uses it, he should be fired from his very important job as the president's right hand man. But when someone whose job is to speak to the public for 15+ hours a week uses the word, there should just be a gentle "nobody should use that word" general admonishment.

This is what should be frustrating for Palin fans. While public officials (see Biden, Joe) have public gaffes all the time, any calculated mission statement like she had on Emmanuel would've been quickly discarded by anyone with any political sense re: "this will surely come back and bite me in the ass." But Palin dove in tits-first without thinking it through, and now she's going to spend as much time as people want to make her hafta be chagrined anytime the word pops up or show herself to be a hypocrite when she ISN'T chagrined. As in, never-ending. And this thin line of non-thinking has probably pissed Fatty off, which I am guessing is not the smart thing to do if you have GOP aspirations. She has acted, dare I say, like a fucking retard.

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