Friday, February 05, 2010

Super Bowls du Mon Life Memories

2009: Watty's house. Popeye's spread. Nom nom nom!
2008: Julia's apt. Fell in love for the day with a girl that almost immediately left the state. I'm not kidding.
2007: 100 Metro. My blogging was funny. But you knew that already.
2006: Op's apt. Op's chili. Three pregnant women. ie, "just another Sunday."
2005: 100 Metro. Lasagna the size of a bathtub. Actual chicks there. Back when 100 Metro was "happening."
2004: RRTHUR's house. Was picking up pizza at Carmine's with RRTHUR when Janet's nipple popped out.
2003: Friend of a friend's apartment in Queens, a party no one else showed up to (mysteriously "just left!"...really? Right before kickoff?!?!?) Good chili though. Got laid.
2002: RRTHUR's house. Old Ed falling asleep before halftime.
2001: The Barber's apartment. All-time moment, AC sniffing out where we were at, walking in 3 seconds before kickoff. "Don't look at Op, Don't look at Op, Don't look at Op," I had to bite my lip from dying laughing.
2000: Nice Guy Eddie's. Snow started falling halfway through. Couldn't drink, was starting my "teaching career" the next day.
1999: Nice Guy Eddies. No memories.
1998: First Super Bowl in NYC. No memories. I wanna say Turkey's Nest. That would explain the "no memories" part.
1997: 604 Audobon Lane, Oxford MS. I'm guessing with a bottle of gin. My roommate kept wanting to switch to Sega. Grrr.
1996: 402 Christman Drive, Oxford. With my non-football watching roommate who once made me miss a UVa/Michigan game that was won in the final seconds cause he wanted to watch Steel Magnolias. Also, THIS COOKIE GUY.
1995: College. Farmville VA. I'm guessing  1) got blitzed  2) got laid  3) broke something (probably a wall)
1994: The Attic, Farmville VA. I'm guessing  1) got blitzed  2) got laid  3) broke something (probably a wall)
1993: Farmvile, VA. Car burst into flames in a Richmond Applebees parking lot on my way back to campus to watch the game.
1992: Tappahannock, VA. Waiting to get shipped to Lackland AFB to provide the very quilt of freedom you currently enjoy (you're welcome.)
1991: Curry Hall, Farmville VA. Drinking out of my "Ask Me About My Lobotomy" coffee mug. I'm sure Little Caesar's was involved at some point.
1990: Tappahannock, VA. My girlfriend's house. In "the playroom." I'll keep any details to myself, out of respect to any children she has that one day might read this.
1989: Tappahannock, VA. David English's house. Best football player I ever played with (present company obviously excluded.)
1988: My friend Ryan's house, on of his parent's legendary Super Bowl parties (I think this was the last one. Something I said?). Met DT & the Shakes drummer for the first time, might as well have been Ringo to me.
1987: Kino, VA. Me & Brothatime!!'s room. No chicks, no beer, no shit.
1986: Kino, VA. My dad harrumphing for three hours "when is this goddam thing finally over?"
1985: Kino, VA. My dad harrumphing for three hours "when is this goddam thing finally over?" Mommatime made chili. Inedible to me thanks to Brothatime!! dumping hot sauce in every time she looked away. Ass.
1984: Kino, VA. No memories other than loving watching the Skins get their asses kicked.
1983: Kino, VA. My dad inexplicably seeming to know the Skins Fight Song "Hail to the Redskins" after Jimmy Cefalo's td. Then harrumphing for three hours "when is this goddam thing finally over?"
1982: Kino, VA. Still pissed over "The Catch" from the week before.
1981: Kino, VA. Made a bet with Brothatime; if he won he got my copy of The Phantom Tollbooth. I'm sure he won.
1980: Kino, VA. Remember the woman my mother worked with crushing on Vince Ferragamo.
1979: Kino, VA: Remember it more the next day, everybody in class seemed to be either a Cowboys or Steelers fan. And everybody had that poster of the game at midfield.

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