Friday, February 05, 2010


 Kelly: I’m just doing this waitress thing for a while, because I wanted to go to Europe this summer and I could use a few extra ... Careful (she points to the ground, so George will see the fresh horse manure and avoid stepping in it)
George: Oh. It's just horse manure (huh huh - laughs, he points back at the horse that walked by) Horse manure's not that bad. I don't even mind the word “manure.” You know, it's, it's “newer,” which is good. and a “ma” in front of it. MA-NURE. When you consider the other choices, “manure” is actually pretty refreshing.

(George glances at his watch)

Kelly: That's a nice watch George.
George: Yeah.
Kelly: You know, my boyfriend has the same one.
George: Huh. Really?
Kelly: Yeah, he loves watches. He's a real watch freak.
George: Well, how about that?
Kelly: Ooh look out. (pointing at the ground - squishing sound) You stepped right in it.
George: Yes, I sure did.

Why does the word "asshole" have such a negative connotation? I mean, you call someone as asshole, and that's it, knuckle up. There's few more universally accepted epithets as asshole. And yet in reality the asshole provides two functions: intestinal relief, and sexual pleasure. Both of these things are pretty fucking awesome; I don't understand how this negative campaign ever came to be.  So the next time someone calls you an asshole, take a bow and thank them, cause you must be awesome.

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