Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mama Grizzly's Asleep?

So Sarah Palin's kid gets knocked up as a teen. Then they let the pop live with them in sin. And now they want the kid to grow up without the father in it's life. Seriously, is there anything left to do wrong here? Can we go ahead and assume that come the first hot day in Alaska they'll forget the kid in the car with the windows up in the Wal-Mart parking lot for 6 hours? Am I missing a cliche here? Is it too early to gamble away the community college fund?
And now another chapter unfolds. Awesome. I mean, I don't know how a "Mama Grizzly" lets someone who has spent a year leaving abandoning her daughter and his kid and supposedly not sending any $$ for support back into her life, but hey, maybe I don't know what the term "Mama Grizzly" means. I thought it meant "protector," but maybe it means "fucking retard," so I stand corrected.

Now THIS is a Mama Grizzly!

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