Sunday, November 28, 2010

Enuff With the Fucking Meaningless Titles Already.

REM is releasing a new album soon, and has seen it fit to let everybody know what the titles of the songs are....even though nobody's heard the fucking songs themselves, making the titles, therein, worthless. Thanks, pricks!

How does Xmastime feel about that?  The same as he did HERE.  Fucking tits on a bull. Or within a hundred feet of me.

This is a strange crossing of streams at this moment, as I see I used Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen's Working On a Dream as my last example of this asinine practice, and as it turns out Brothatime! loves album opener Outlaw Pete and used it as my alarm clock each morning this past week while I was in Leesburg   :)

My first thoughts on the song at the time?
- opening music bit is awesome
- kinda Bruce by the numbers Outlaw Americana Western nonsense
- am i dreaming, or is the melody I Was Made for Loving You by KISS?
- choruses are awful
- interesting idea undone by shit, rote lyrics
- hmm. luckily, it seems to be a bout 8 minutes long. not just a "piss break," but a "does-anyone-have-a-magazine?" break.
Also, I see it made the set list for the show Op and Kdawggy went to this year, and what was the report on Outlaw Pete? Hmm:
8:41pm Outlaw Pete. "piss break."

8:46pm Op is under the impression that if animals could play guitar, the best would be an octopus. hmm. 

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