Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've Got a Feeling, Somthing Deep Inside, Oh No

Growing up my family was an NBC News family, so we were a Today Show people, but personally I haven't watched the Today show since...who the fuck knows when. So I have no idea why yesterday morning I thought "hey, whats on the Today Show?" and I seriously flipped over right when this clip below was starting (go HERE for a way higher quality clip.)

I must say, that's pretty amazing. Actually, it's REALLY amazing. But now I can't stop wondering if it was shot live, one take fuck-it-we'll-roll-with it, or taped? Must've been taped, no? Otherwise, you'd be in danger of falling behind for a split second and never catching up again, like 2 minutes into a Graceland tour with those fucking headphones. You're fucked!

Now I can't stop cracking up that what if it HAD been live, and something terrible happened while they were in the middle of it. Obama gets shot? There's another 9/11? Millions of people shitting their pants switching over to their trusted Today Show, and they get this everyone dancing around like jerkoffs pretending to be Fergie. "OHMYGOD - Matt Lauer is on the side of the terrorists this time!! He's celebrating!!!! They are LITERALLY dancing in the street!!!" Funny - if I worked there and knew it was coming there's no way I wouldn't have pulled a fire alarm or some shit, or call in a bomb threat - halfway through they gotta stop, looking like assholes in front of millions  :(

No no, I wouldn't have done that. It's really great.

UPDATE: okay, looks like it WAS taped:
Bell tells us that Don Nash, the show's senior broadcast producer and resident unicyclist, and producer Jen Long get credit for the idea. "Jen worked on it with a team and mapped out all of the choreography," Bell reveals. "The anchors were flawless, but Kathie Lee and Hoda seemed to enjoy doing multiple takes when it came to their part 'Fill up my cup ... Drink ...Mazel Tov."
Of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspired by OK GO and 2:34-38, looks like GWBush?