Thursday, December 30, 2010

Question, IV

Team Sully HERE asks "What book, album, film or magazine article has made the biggest impact on your life or how you see the world? Why?"

My album HERE. My book HERE. MY movie HERE.

As for magazine article, that's a no-brainer: the Sports Illustrated article on Hoosier Hysteria from 1983 that first opened my eyes to the mania that is Indiana high school basketball, kicking off a lifetime of romanticizing the whole thing, of course culminated in my superslice of superslices, Hoosiers.

I've mentioned that article several times on Xmastime. I've also mentioned that I've never been able to track the article down online. It's the one article ever written in a major magazine that has somehow disappeared, never making an appearance on the goddam internet. You have a better chance of finding a picture online of me typing this post than finding that article. As a matter of fact, I'm starting to wonder if I've made the entire damn thing up. Grrrrr.

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