Monday, January 24, 2011


I don't watch Rachel Maddow because it's too frustrating to think of how hot she could be if she grew her hair, but I for damn sure never watched Keith Olbermann, so I have no idea why anybody gives a shit that he resigned. As I brilliantly said back in August of 2008:
Keith Olbermann is like criticism - even if you agree with him, he's hard to take. Ugh.
At one time, back in the mid-90's, Keith Olbermann and Craig Kilborn were the kings. Now they're both assholes nobody gives two shits about. Interesting.


Kiko Jones said...

"Now they're both assholes nobody gives two shits about."

Comparing Olbermann and Kilborn is so off-base it's not even funny. For starters, the former is a really smart guy, regardless of what one thinks of him, while the latter needed to have writers explain the jokes to him when he hosted The Daily Show.
Also, the outpouring of support for KO this past weekend has been more than notable; Kilborn, meanwhile, is a prime candidate for a "Where Are They Now? segment.

You don't dig KO. Cool. But you're projecting when you state "nobody gives two shits about" him.

Anonymous said...

Olbermann, Limbaugh? Who the fuck cares?

Why don't the drones and masses try getting their info from books?

Unknown said...

Xmastime projecting two shits sounds like a good way to get somebody killed or maimed. Or at least severly damage the plumbing.