Friday, September 16, 2011

Oy, Herro!

I've been enjoying the ongoing discussion over at Sully re: why do Jews have such an affection for Chinese takeout (my personal thesis: because they killed Jesus), and one reader adds this:
3. Asian food eschews dairy, so that even if not technically kosher, it's relatively easy to eat "kosher style" Chinese as long as you stay away from pork and shrimp. This also explains the many truly kosher Chinese-themed restaurants in Jewish areas.
 In a Chinese restaurant, however, there were no pictures of Jesus looking over the diners and one never had to worry that there would be a layer of cheese on top of the kung pao chicken.
And since things on the internet exist only to be tied back into how awesome I am, I remind you that the lack of cheese in Chinese food is why they're such bad drivers:
Is there a connection between there being apparently no cheese in the Chinese diet and them being such bad drivers? Maybe what makes Americans better drivers is the cheese; ie our insides are so bunged up we hafta hyper-focus on driving so we get where we need to get as soon as possible, whereas the Chinese are in no rush and spend their driving time cruising along slooooooowly, rooking around at the scenery and allowing themselves to be distracted. Seems like a connection to me, be nice if a committee to investigate was formed.

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