Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This is Depressing.

I've been good about not sulking around Richmond blubbering how great Brooklyn is, but getting this picture of Big Bear (red shorts, in the middle, apparently about to start fiddling with his nuts) gunning the rock makes me sad as hell. One, because it makes the last few weeks feel like I'm missing everything as he grows up. He looks twice as old as the last time I saw him only a few short weeks ago. But more importantly, because it looks like he's having fun playing even without having the ball in his hands and cranking up a shot, which lets me know that my influence has indeed dwindled away to nothing (unless he's actually playing defense in this photo, during which he's doing exactly as I taught him: find some space for yourself to rest, and wait for to get the ball again so you can launch another shot. Defense is for suckers and Baptists.) I mean, what the hell? Lookit how happy this kid looks -  grab the ball from that asshole on your team and shoot, dammit! Fundamentals!

Side note: dude all the way to the left in the red shirt, me and The Short Bus already dominated on the hardcourt, fuck you very much.

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