Friday, December 02, 2005


NAME: Theodore ("If you call me 'Theo' I will do some dancing on your face")
OCCUPATION: Ultra-conservative right-wing stuffed bear
LIKES: Tucker Carlson, George W. Bush, tax cuts, explaining to left-wing faggot dimwits why gays shouldn't marry
DISLIKES: left-wing faggot dimwits, taxes, Al Franken, basketball
QUOTE: "For the last time - I'm not racist. I'm just pro-white, goddammit."

First of all, thanks to Xmastime for letting me guest-host today. I'm not an idiot; I know how rare an opportunity it is for a stuffed bear to actually get to do something like express himself to other people, and, well, type on a computer. It's a relief to get outta the house, my roommate Kirk "The Barber" Henderson is back after his "band" toured Europe. Now he's gonna be lolling around with the other guys playing that loud, screechy crap they call music. "Rock and roll." Seriously, when did people stop listening to real music? I got my headphones on embracing Mozarts smooth crescension of a movement from a sonata, and BLAM! here comes a jet plane landing in my ears to the tune of whatever new crap they just came up with. I actually like the Barber. Mostly cause we're the same height heyoooooooooooooooooo!! Anyways, I'll be here all day, check in to see my posts and feel free to ask any ????s in the comments section.


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