Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election (can a brother get back to talkin bout titties, please?)

Well, it looks like we won, which is good. Though I am curious as to how close every race was; each one seemed to be seperated by a few thousand votes. So while I'm thrilled we did win, I'm FASCINATED by the millions of people who stepped up after years and years of this shit and said "you know what, I'd like MORE hypocritical wars, MORE unbelievably reckless spending so that my children live in cardboard boxes, MORE homophobia and let's face it...the super-rich aren't gonna get even richer without my help!"

Baffled. But hey, a win is a win. And anyone who wants to watch Xmastime have a stroke, be with me the first time news comes out that Bush "extends an offer of bipartisianship!" REALLY???!! Wow, what a guy! we should work together!! yyyeaaayyyy, 8 more years!!

Fuck you, you had no problem steamrolling everyone else while you had unfettered power all these years, so don't bother "reaching out" now. Just go back to being a drunk and sit in the attic of the White House till you leave office and let people who actually have brains take care of things. And no, by that I don't mean Jesus.

One thing that has to change are these ridiculous televsion ads. Not just in their absurdity, but that they exist at all. And again, I'm talking to the PEOPLE here, not the politicos who pull the trigger on these - they just use what works on us, cause we're fucking idiots. I'm asking the people to not fall prey to such stupidity. Seriously, if there is a major election that could change the way your country is run and your voting choice is based upon some 30-second ad on television that is obviously trash, then maybe you shouldn't be voting. If you haven't bothered to check into which candidate is best for you via reading and/or the news etc, then don't fucking vote. Yes, it's your "right" but if you vote simply because you gagged on your cheese puffs during 'Desperate Housewives" when an ad came on that said "Candidate X owns a clown suit!!!" then you're a jackass and get what you deserve. So please, for the love of christ stop watching these ads. They'll keep running them as long as they work, but please turn on your fucking brains here.

Also, even though it's not over yet, I'm glad to see George Allen might be jobless soon. Another rich white dude with a famous daddy who has the brains of a bowl of ice cream and is in office simply because he's in that good ol boy network. "I'm rich, I wear duck boots and I'm a fratboy lifer." He's a fucking idiot and I know he's BAFFLED at the fact that he even had to run; shouldn't the job automatically be his for being Superman Rich White Guy? Fuck you too, macracker.

So now it's in our hands, and we have to clean up this mess ourselves, let's not fucking blow it. And my next drinking game is drink every time a "frustrated" Dubya pops up on tv crying about his hands being tied thanks to Congress. OOOoh, he had AMAZING plans for the next two years, Im sure!! If only the evil Dems would let his ideas get through!!!! Golly, it was gonna be ice cream and parades from here on out!!! Fuck. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW.


ps - K-Fed, my sister is single! Call me!


Anonymous said...


I stand before you hat and hand asking - begging - for a temp job as your personal nutsack washer.

I promise to do whatever you wish until I move on to lobbying for BIG TOBACCO, BIG OIL, BIG RELIGION, BIG MONEY or whatever it is guys like me end up doing after getting the electoral cowboy boot.

These tears are real. And so is most of my hair.



Anonymous said...

well, ya didn't actually win...
Seems that a few of your favored democrats are leanin somewhat to the right on some pretty heavy issues...yeah, conservatives. That's right, independant thinkers are always refreshingly delightful. So what are ya gonna do?


Anonymous said...

uh... you left out BIG POOP, G.