Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rummy Finally Fucking Quits

Poor fella, he must be aghast at the prospect of actually having to account for his reckless actions and incredibly thoughtless "war-planning." Insulted, even. Is the idea of this totally foreign to him? Does this guy not have a wife?

and believe me, no one is dumber than me, I'm no political genius, but wouldn't it have made sense to jettison Rum-nuts BEFORE the elections? Hmm. Just another example of just how how flat-out unbelievably stupid this administration can be. I expected them to be liars and crooks; their sheer stupidity throughout the years has surprised me. Blame it on hubris, I reckon.

...wait a second...Rummy quits the day after it looks like K-Fed will be looking for new I dreaming, or will our next Secretary of Defense be the guy who wrote 'PopoZao'?


Anonymous said...

i nominate this man to take his place....

Anonymous said...

Is the funny never coming back?

I mean, reading you condescend to "idiots" on politics has some marginal amusement value. And pleas for folks to "do the right thing" could be funny, if the approach was ironic. Sadly, you appear to heartfelt, which is decidedly unfunny.

Can you get back to watching TV so the funny can return?


Big Man

Anonymous said...

Hey! Stop pickin' on him! leave us be happy with our poor old jobless but ever loyal and notoriously hilarious little buddy.

Speak your mind, Xmastime.
You don't need to crack us up all the time. Just don't leave us stranded here for months while you go off and sulk. Rant on.

Peace out after that nasty flogging.

Anonymous said...

See. This is what I'm talking about when I say you spoil him. First, he's an adult, and no matter how radicalized he's become, he needs to, you know, maybe read something besides "Juggs" before articulating a political philosophy, which currently reads as "I'm a whiny bitch, but at least I'm smarter than all the toothless retards to whom I presume to preach." It's like his credo ran into a never-ending, heavy-flow menstrual cycle.

Second, he's a genuinely funny and gifted comic writer, save for when he writes anything remotely political, whereupon he becomes Elaine Boozler mashed into Gallagher, rolled into Bill Maher. Yes, his excesses may scratch your balls, but what suffers in the end?

The man and his craft.

As I care for both, that I will not tolerate silently.

Anonymous said...

Nasty anonymous guy is not known for his charm, is he?

Anonymous said...

I care for Xmastime too much to "attaboy Eddie" his crap.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to write about titties? Soon, I hope.