Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fuck Trump

Good for Rosie. While in the past years I had thought of The Donald as amusing, recently I’ve begun to be creeped out by him. What kind of real wheeler-n-dealer in the world of business would be SO proud/in love with his own tv show (in which he stars)? I mean, doesn’t he have more important things to obsess about if he’s such a playa? I don’t see Rupert Murdoch or Bill Gates prancing about in retarded reality shows. And then these classes he’s been “teaching” at the Learning Annex in which, according to the commercials, the main lesson is “take chances! Roll the dice!!” Which is great advice.if you were sitting on gazillions of dollars given to you by your dad and his buddies. "Going for it" when you've got billions of dollars at your disposal to succeed or fail with is different than having to decide whether or not to invest your life savings/nest egg. Thanks for the advice, dumbass. As useful as my old riff about when weathermen say to beat the heat, stay inside with your air conditioning pumping. Useless.

But last week I got a whiff of reekiness when he actually called a press conference to announce he’d be deciding if Miss America could keep her crown. What? Why would this have to be made public unless he actually did decide to cut her loose? One thing if he calls a press conference to say that he was firing her, sorry, tuff luck she blew it. But to announce to the world that he was gonna think about it for a while so we could wait on the edge of our seats, all the while embarrassing this young girl is (I hope) the height of his arrogance and desperate need for attention. Unreal. And then we’re supposed to pat him on the back and shake our heads “what a great guy! Giving the girl a second chance!” Fuck you. I only wish she had told him to go fuck himself, a la my dreams listed here (#6). Rosie’s right, and the fact that he would IMMEDIATELY grab a camera and basically hurl childish, personal insults directed at her weights shows who we’re dealing with. Fucking douchebag.

On a related side-note, we need to stop declaring that all these young celeb superstars have drinking problems. Lindsay has been going to AA, Miss America is going to rehab, and within the first 4 episodes of The Real World 2 out of the 7 roommates have had to admit they have a “problem.” Fucking please. Lindsay et al run around town cause they’re young and rich and happen to be surrounded by people plying them with drinks. And the Real World producers LOAD these houses now with booze. If these people were shoving fish sticks on these chicks, we’d be lamenting their fish stick problem. We all LOVE to see a “fault” in these people, then we love to pat ourselves on the back for being concerned about them and their “problem.” Give it a fucking rest; I doubt these chicks are sitting on their couches at 10am guzzling vodka, desperate for booze. Leave them alone – they’re freaks of nature manufactured by us and if they wanna get shitfaced and show their naked snatches, fine by me.

1 comment:

BayonneMike said...

Did someone crack open that "borrowed" bottle of vodka this morning?