Friday, February 09, 2007

Borat, Chinese Food and Le Barber

I have some friends that swear up and down "Borat" was "genius!" and "the funniest thing ever!" I haven't seen it; that ambush/speed trap style stuff makes me uncomfortable. With a camera and some editing, you can make any unsuspecting subject look like a racist/jerk/idiot. Maybe some of the people he punks are jerks; but what if you're a great person, and because you said something stupid getting trapped by this guy on camera for 40 seconds you're forever known as a racist asshole etc? Makes me squeamish. Very irresponsible. Like us gleefully calling Jessica Simpson an idiot - you think if someone filmed you 24 hours a day for weeks you wouldn't say at least ONE thing that's stupid? Camon. Our soundbite culture at its worst. And of course they're planning a sequel. Not my slice.

On a side note, today's conundrum: as I was greeting my Chinese delivery guy at the door, my roommate "Le Barber" came walking out. As I was paying the guy, he stands behind him and gesticulates that the bike Chinese guy was using was HIS, stolen a while ago. All this while I'm literally handing money over to this guy. Tipping even. What to do? Refuse to pay the guy, punch him in the throat and boycott his establishment forever? Maybe broker an arrangement for the return of the bike? Obviously, I chose C: act confused, look at "Le Barber" and say "huh?" a few times til he walks away. Nice.

Side note to the side note: enuff with the 72 packets of duck sauce. ever see this stuff and think good lord....what the fuck are we doing to these poor ducks??!


Anonymous said...

Hey Xmas Baby, if you get a chance, please ask Le Barber to give me a ring (via telephone, that is.)
Thanks, Daddy

Anonymous said...

Having had all of my childhood bikes stolen by local hoodlums... it is entirely likely that the chink was in possession of Le Barber's stolen bike. What to do?

You know where it is now. Go get it. Yeah, steal it back from the rat weasels.

Bruce would. Back in the day.