Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"Friends of God"

First of all, I started thinking last night. Why can't I buy fake titties? I don't mean to have on me, I mean with me. Wouldn't that be great? Put 'em on I dunno, a board maybe, always have em round when you wanna grab on some big titties. There's no way I'm the first guy to think of this. Will look into it.

But what I really wanted to talk about was this whack doc I saw on HBO, "Friends of God." A look into the Christian Evangelical Movement. I won't go crazy here, everybody here knows how I feel about these people, how they've affected politics yada yada. And I have also said in this joint how much I admire people with blind faith. You believe in a higher power and that helps you, good for you.


These people blindly refer to the Bible as "facts." More than one person when asked about evolution quickly scoffed, shaking their head as if patting us on the head and said "hey look, the evidence is right there, in the Bible." The EVIDENCE. Not "hey, I choose to believe that God created us." But the EVIDENCE is in the Bible. These people did not question anything, they saw the Bible as stone cold fact. I don't know which is sadder - basing your life on a book of fairy tales from 2000 years ago, or the fact that you have replaced faith with, in your mind, absolute certainty. Isn't the whole God/faith business rooted in the fact that you DON'T know for sure, you really are laying your faith and trust in something you can not see or prove. And would the very God you worship even like this? An example: your best friend says turn around, fall and he will catch you. Trust in him, he will catch you. Now, what if you only did so based on "evidence", e.g. a videotape from the future showing that he had, in fact, caught you. Therein, you have both removed faith from the equation and, presumably, insulted/pissed off your friend. Great.

The doc will leave you itching all over, but this certainty of "evidence" in the Bible bugs the shit outta me. We don't believe anything unless it's been certified, YouTubed, and with 2 picture ids, but we're supposed to believe in fairy tales and miracles from thousands of years ago cause they're in some book. And these are the people that have been running the country. yuck. Anyways. Back to fake titties.


Anonymous said...

Have you no dignity? Get some!

Hmmm...The Certified Theory of Evolution. Good one...but will they buy it? Hey...they buy everything...they don't even question...but Jesus they believed, Jesus actually changed them. Left evidence in thier hearts. Still singing Amazing Grace. Even Elvis...were blind but now they see...Yesssss/... and we will change them too...

Friends of....could it be...Satan?

Gina said...

Hey!! Frena God,

Do you have Netflix?