Monday, February 05, 2007

Life/Channel Changing

One thing I need to be more aware of is what channel is on the tv when I go to sleep. Most nights, as I'm drifting off I watch a lil Nick at Nite, be it Rosanne or Cosby, whatever. I've noticed what happens is the next morning when I get up and turn on the tube, now because it's the morning it's back to being a little kids channel. Nickelodeon. That's not gonna work - what if, and let's take a walk to dreamworld here, I have a lady friend over late-night? Maybe she wakes up before I do, maybe she never got to fall asleep thanks to her absurd, bordering on the dangerous orgasms not subsiding until morning and she flips on the tv. So now she's like "what the...I just fucked a dude who watches 'Rugrats'? oh, HELL no!" and she'll never be on board for a booty call again. Or, god forbid, I die in bed. Cops etc come to get me, you know how it is, lottsa standing around, one of em prolly flips on the tv. "This stiff watched 'Spongebob Squarepants'? Homo!!!" I can't get a little dignity on my deathbed, even? Bad enough when they find my porn. And by "find" I mean "walk into my room."

So I need to have a default fall asleep channel. I guess it's PBS, but it can't be my #1 channel since it's 13, and I can't have that hanging over me while I sleep. So it'll hafta be 21.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too cute.

Ya know what would be really cool is if your dream girl wakes up to the 700 Club. All night orgasms and prosthetic breasts ne damned!! I'm trusting Jesus! Amazing grace how sweet the sound...that saved breast like me. I once was flat and now am round. Seriously, Xmas....Jesus is real and died for you, man. He did. Loves you very much.