In my youth, the single most iconic female shot, the Farrah Fawcett poster of my generation, was Heather Thomas.
I mean, are you kidding me? How is it even POSSIBLE for someone to be this hot? Or, I should say, be this completely ridiculous smoking hot and then never to be seen again after “The Fall Guy”? That I don’t get. You're this fucking hot, seems like we can find some time on the tube to parade you around in a bikini, no? Mostly, it introduced a lot of guys my age to the concept of “cameltoe.” I don’t know how they got Heather to sign off on this one...”okay, now pull the bottom until your lips start poking out....aaaaaalright....the bikini bottom is now sinking INTO your canyon of snacks....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanndddd...CLICK!” God bless Heather Thomas.
Of course as a 10-11 year old, I certainly wasn’t allowed to hang this little slice of heaven in my room. On my wall? This:

Not as sexy. BARELY masturbateable. But still some pussy desperately clinging on for dear life, n’est pas? At least Katie Holmes has given me hope that you can end up with someone whose poster was on your wall (I mean theoretically Heather, not the cat...obviously my cock would destroy the little cat, even with reverse cowgirl); Heather if you're reading this email me....are you still at iinventedcameltoe@yahoo.com?
Thanks for the memory. Somebody should a story about what the hell ever happened to her.
Farrah did give us nipples but , Heather gave us a camel toe that our pubescent minds could embrace on day after day
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