Friday, September 21, 2007

Seriously, Who Falls for this Shit?

Another thing on the radio that’s cracking me up is my BFFfF (Best Fat Fucking Friend Forever) Limbaugh yesterday, spending half the day crying into his mic about the possibility of Hilary becoming president; crying, MOANING “my God people, you don’t wanna hafta go back to the 90s again, do you? That would be a tragedy!!!!!” Really?….unprecedented, runaway peace and prosperity…no good? Really? Jeez, the MISERABLE Clinton years, when everybody got rich and the world loved us. I guess we’re much better off now. Yeah. Hmm. I know I know, the President getting a blowjob is much worse than your son coming home in a body bag for a fake war. You sold me. Hey, is it possible to bomb OURSELVES back to the Stone Age?


Rambler said...

Uh, the world did not love us in the Clinton years. In fact, the world pretty much hasn't loved us ever, it's this myth that somehow we have always been loved. Not true. As for Islamic extremists, uh they didn't love us in the Clinton years. First attack on the World Trade Center, the Cole, the embassies, etc.

Now maybe there have been periods where the rest of the world hated us less, but this idea that there was a time when we were loved is pure fantasy.

Now note, I'm not saying what's right or not or whether we should be loved or not, just trying to cut through some of the crap.

Xmastime said...

good point! BUT I guess I was talking relatively....the Islamic terrorists did some shit on us, but I dont think there was as much eye-rolling/"how were these guys #1?"/screw them they did it to themselves talk everywhere else, particularly Europe. maybe i shoula implied we were at least respected, in any casse. unlike now.

Anonymous said...

The peace and prosperity thing seemed very real. As was cheap gas, a strong dollar, low interest rates, massive budget surpluses, and Collective Soul - well maybe not them. Fuck George Bush II and the fuckwads who voted for him and propped him up and apologized for him. It's too late to defend his record. He has been exposed as a dangerous failure, a cancer on the American legacy, and the President who most single-handedly presided over the withering of America from a 1st-World Nation to a 2nd-World Nation. Fuck him, fuck Rush, and fuck Yeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!

Anonymous said...

BC ilk was just as filthy.