Friday, September 21, 2007

Same Old Shit

I know I’ve been listening to Hannity & Rush all week, but am I the only person on the planet who say why NOT let Ahmadinejad visit Ground Zero? Wouldn’t that at least move any dialogue with him forward at this point? Wouldn’t we WANT someone we think is partially responsible for it in the first place to see the scene of his destruction? The faces of people on flyers who died; the posters of “Have you seen my daughter?” et al? For all we know it might actually move him towards humanity. Of course maybe he really is crazy and will piss on it, but at least give him the chance to do right or fuck up, no? You’d think Bush would actually push for this – wouldn’t allowing him down there at least show the world that we have exhausted any diplomatic possibilities? “We took him down there, bought him pizza, dude still won’t talk sense to us, oh well at least we tried.” Wouldn’t that actually HELP these assholes’ argument to bomb the fuck out of Iran in the near future?

But of course what does the world see? Us beating our chests with our “From our cold, dead hands!!” belt buckles trying to out-macho each other; Hannity and Rush acting like they’re gonna be down there personally to paint his face red, white and blue with their fists. Is this really the smart thing to do? Or after 6 years is that even a fair question of these people?

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