Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Life 4,332 Xmastime 4

The other day I was walking down the sidewalk and BAM! this smoking hot chick came into my sight. Banging hot. So of course I lock in with my eyes, cause everyone knows that if you stare intensely at a beautiful woman in the street whom you've never met she will within minutes probably strip down and start fucking you. Ladies 101. As I'm looking at her all of a sudden she looks down and her face LIGHTS up...what the eff, I'm thinking...then she quickly bends down and SCOOPS UP A $50 BILL THAT HAD BEEN LAYING ON THE GODDAM SIDEWALK!!!! Fuck. $50!!! If I had been shuffling down the street with my head hanging down like normal, I woulda seen if first and pounced. Fucking hell. Beuitiful women: OFFICIALLY costing me money now. And I don't mean the good way.

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