Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sitcom 2007

While sometimes I wish I was a snooty “I never watch tv” guy who reads more, the fact is, I’m a sitcom guy. Not just clever, hip ones; I like ‘em all. I like the ones that are actually funny (Seinfeld, Roseanne, All in the Family, Cheers), I like the ones that can sometimes be funny but sometimes aren’t (Wings, MASH, Mary Tyler Moore) and I even like ones that aren’t really funny, but give me a sense of warmth and familiarity (Happy Days, Brady Bunch, Who’s the Boss.) The sitcom is fairly dead, unfortunately – anything that isn’t part of the one of two formulas 1) the doofus husband with the way-hot, exasperated wife who still loves the big, dumb lug no matter how many times he forgets their anniversary and 2) any new version of Friends, where it’s a collection of twentysomethings constantly trying to not have sex while spending tons of money they’ve earned by not working. Anything that’s actually good, you’re relegated to HBO.

And I like my sitcoms on their home turfs; I don’t wanna see the cast go to Hawaii or Disneyland. I wanna see Cheers at the bar, I wanna see Roseanne in the living room/kitchen, I wanna see Archie in his chair. I don’t want “special” episodes, I wanna see the middle of the season hum-drum one.

Anyways. I love a great sitcom, and apparently it’s dead. My top ten in no order (today):

All in the Family
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Cosby Show
Family Ties
What’s Happening!
Welcome Back Kotter
(till Travolta left)
Dick Van Dyke Show

I know Im gonna think of ten more that belong here (Frasier) but ah well. Can SOMEbody out there in la-la-land write a real sitcom again that doesn’t completely blow? Please? Did nobody get the message when I cried about it here? Please?


sleepuntildark said...

no Taxi? great list, but mash shouda made it!

Rambler said...

M*A*S*H for the first three seasons.

Happy Days until Fonzie ditches the windbreaker for the leather jacket or, if you want to push it, until he moves up the main credits past everyone but Ron Howard

Love What's Happening. Who can forget "Which Doobie You Be?"

Curbed wouldn't make my list, arrested development would

and I'm pretty sure you missed one of all the time greats--The Odd Couple

Anonymous said...

a guy, two girls, and a pizza place