Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Yankee Update from Below

ALSO...following every pitch of the last 1620+ Yankee games with bated breath, be it lazy June evenings against the Blue Jays or cool October nights playing for keeps I've finally learned two things: 1) it's a long, long, LONG season where anything can happen and 2) just getting into the playoffs is not only not a team's birthright, but it's HARD. I don't think I'm exagerrating when noting how shocking it is that of the eight playoff teams this year, the only team back from last year's playoffs was the Yankees. That's amazing and really hows how grateful we all should be that the Yankees have been there every year since 1995.

ALSO...this "now is the end of the dynasty" nonsense writers are throwing around, enough. Why is this year different than any other year since the last World Series win...seven years ago? You can call the end of the dynasty the moment Luis Gonzales blooped that single in 2001; otherwise, we're rolling on again doing the same thing we always have. There may be another face gone, but there's a LOT of faces have been gone over the years. If a dynasty is based solely on emotion, then the end was in Game 5 six years ago when the fans called out his name over and over as Paul O'Neill stood in right field in The Stadium for the last time. Unless Jeter and Mo and Posada and Andy leave en masse this year, the fact is if you've been calling this a "dynasty" through this year, then you hafta still call it one cause we did the exact same thing as the last two years: made the playoffs, and lost in the first round. So stop with this dramatic "End of an Era" crap already.

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