Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I'll Say It: The Troops are Idiots

Can we officially stop faux-genuflecting re: the troops now that we keep hiring private firms like Blackwater to fight and giving them up to 10 or 12 times more money? We call our military "heroes" et al, yet if there's a battle we actually hafta fight and win, we send in Blackwater. I guess if you're an American troop you can get lucky with sloppy seconds and get shot the next day. And if you're REALLY lucky we'll send you to Walter Reed so a rat can chew on your stump. Yeeeeaaah, troops!

I mean, we're basically bullying our troops and taking their lunch money at this point, aren't we? What more can we do to them - short sheet their cots? Why don't we steal all their girlfriends while they're over there? Are we supposed to believe we're above that, considering what we're doing to them? We've turned the troops into the guy who buys a girl dinner and a show and then gives her a ride to another guy's house to fuck. When are the troops gonna see this and get pissed off? Oh, about sending them home for Christmas kills their morale, not something like paying someone else ten times what you get plus real equipment. Sorry. My bust. Should we think of them as stupid now? Seems like they'd hafta be, right? Would you put up with this kind of treatment if you worked at Wal-Mart? No. You wouldn't. But I guess if you're at Wal-Mart we wouldn't have speeches where people can work up fake tears to raise more money either. We cry and moan with our boots on their throats. Wake the fuck up.

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