Friday, January 25, 2008

Fireside w/Xmastime


andtheend. said...

good luck buddy. i've been trying to get down to my birth weight for years.

Anonymous said...

live blog during fireside:

0:04: credits remind me of a woody allen film. can't decide which one, but i'll get it ...

0:25: buy diet coke on way home

0:42: wasn't it funny before glasses when he had to guess what he was reading?

0:50: "coca cola industries"-- that's funny!

0:57: first use of air quotes. xmastime classic! circa ... hmmm ... '02?

1:27: still can't get that burned section of retna to stop buzzing

1:33: buy pork chops on way home

1:56: battle w/ the bulge? awesome, he's gonna cry ... OPRAH!!!!! . gotta find that freeze frame feature ... fuck me, did i tivo carson daly last night?

2:17: patrick ewing, beast!

2:21: damn you starks!

2:35: wonder if you could make john mccain's entire 6 year p.o.w. wardrobe from that hunk a denim? ... (note, wikipedia that shit). remember to iron nader '00 shirt. still makes tha pansies cry

3:08: did anybody else see that shit appear to the left of the screen? oh fuck, is this some japanese voodoo shit?

3:28: mountain dew down windpipe. FUCK!!!!!!! hard to breathe, but so evervescent! ....

3:50: let's check out UG's site while he rambles ... fassel ... rhymes with "fossil" ... use that in conversation this weekend-- act like you just made it up. in right situation, it'll bring down the house. then leave immediately ... 'crimes n misdemeanors' or 'love and death'?

7:45: this is good, reagan-esque ending! i feel all fuzzy! xmas! you've done it again!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you didnt get a cease and desist letter from the Ramco Meat Chandelier Corp. Just a matter of time I guess...

Anonymous said...

When did you opt for the Wayne "Newman" Knight haircut? Has W driven you to this much distratcioN?

Anonymous said...

Oh, who am I kidding?

Anonymous didn't say that.

Marley said it.

Anonymous said...

he's back!! yes!! (awaiting verbal bludgeoning)

Gina said...

Nice de-but. I like the professional kitchen backdrop, the collegiate look, ex-ape sweatshirt and the glasses. The bricks are a warm touch, though i missed the voodoo. My computer froze up after the 3:37, something about getting 'flack-nay'?

Hey, i got a nasty email from Coke once too. Snobs. Rejected my idea for a new flavor called Ginjacoke. All I asked for was a small spot on a commercial. THEN they come out with coke with Lime...

I would avoid diet soda altogether. Aspertame was shown to cause brain tumors.

Gina said...

it's a good haircut.

Anonymous said...

Yea. That's a good haircut. Not a John Edwards, but still, good, in its own, special way.