Friday, January 11, 2008

Today's True Wife Confession


Confession #2252

Two days ago you sat down to the pasta with ricotta cheese and fresh spinach that I made, from scratch, and while the pan was still bubbling from the oven, you told me that I should have dissolved the sugar in a little warm water before adding it to the salad dressing because the dressing was too vinegar-y. Yesterday you sat down to the chicken enchiladas I made, from scratch, and while the pan was still bubbling from the oven, you told me that I should have put spices and fried onions in the rice.

I told you that it was two days in a row that you'd bitched about what I'd set in front of you, and if you wanted to make dinner tomorrow I would happily wait for it to hit the table and then I'd tell you exactly what I thought of it.

If you think you're making a meal tonight out of the leftovers from the past two nights, you son of a bitch, you are so wrong. You are so fucking wrong.


Gina said...

The Wicked truth.

Is making it 'from scratch' really necessary? Who says it's better? Isn't it good enough that it's 'home cooked'? Come on...They have some really nice microwavable dinners in the freezer aisle over at Costco which in my opinion is just as good or better than scratch.

Scratch. You ask me, she had it coming. You wear yourself out planning those meals, shopping for ingredients, standing there measuring and whipping it all together, carefully coordinating the timing so everything winds up hot on the table at the same time, all the while with this big build up taking place inside of're waiting for the glowing feedback with that first mouthful in. If not a slow clap, at least the nod or smile. Something. For what?

Go with Costco and save yourself the bitter disappointment, girls.

Angelissima said...

Sounds to me like she married an ingrate. Fuck him. I cook for the shear joy of it. You don't like what I make, you don't eat.

Needless to say, my children are very thin...

But she set herself up on that one.
Next time, feed the leftovers to the dog. ITS OVER.

Gina said...
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Gina said...
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Gina said...

she's got a beef. a bone to pick. why is this in with the 'confessions'? not like she added any unusual 'spices' or anything funky, right?

my sisters used to tell me I should pepper my husband's meals with my anti-depressant. Never, though I had considered a short acting hypnotic.