Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yeah But Fuck Him, He Paid $400 for a haircut.

Now this thinking fucking pisses me off; the notion that now that Clinton and Obama are officially the superstars, Edwards should happily step aside. Fuck that! A happy pat on the head, thanks for coming, now put away your silly little ideas about helping those in need and releasing the country from the stranglehold of corporations and let the “ real players” have the ball. No need to rock the boat with such silliness, after all.

Of course, AS USUAL, even more disturbing is the voters’ quickness to this as well – note Edwards not winning either primary, despite being the only candidate to actually speak up specifically for the working class and poor. And by that I mean the unions and the impoverished, not the “middle class” that keeps voting in Bush so the taxes on their summer homes don’t go up. Even the writer says as much:
Edwards deserves a special place in our politics for his efforts to bring poverty to national attention and to revise national priorities to take account of the needs of the poor.

But, back to his original premise, we’re better off with rock stars who claim vague “change” for the middle class, let the poor people worry about themselves:
But now it's time to read the writing on the wall and obey the verdict of history. It's time for Edwards to pull out.

I can live with it if settling means Obama as the President, but I choose October 29, 2009 in the "when will someone start thinking gee, whatever happened to that guy who said he was gonna fight for US? Gee, maybe we shouldn't have brushed him aside so easily. Ah well" office pool.

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