Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day...

...a gift to my rabid fans. First of several clips to come from my last day of Fashion Week. Enjoy trying to guess which lady caught on film scored some Xmastime boudoire delights that day, if you know what I mean. Fashion Week wrap-up post to come tomorrow (along with exciting new diet news!)


ope said...


BayonneMike said...

What happened? Did you freeze up in such close proximity to her plastic beauty? Why did you just hang around in back like some sort of creepy stalker? Where was the wit, oh Xmastime, where was the wit? I was expecting something like: "Where'd you get the balloons, Posh?"

Thank God the old lady bailed your ass out (and too bad I could only understand half of what she said).

retotted said...

BM-go suck a lemon. It was awesome! (except i never did see posh, so Big G coulda been scrappin' after an illegally-parked diplomat for all i know). Also, fyi, you look fairly thinnish in vid.

Gina said...

Wow. You are half way to the size of 'Little Bitta Luck'! I thought you would knock on the window, mash your nose on the tinted glass. Rats. Next time.

The little old lady with the black hair caught your eye, no?

Gina said...
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SKL said...

Brilliant. You and that lady should have a talk show. "Cuts"!