Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Just Hope There's No Lewd Photos Available

Whatever your thoughts on the McCain Affair Story, or the New York Times, or McCain himself, are we really supposed to believe the NYT made all this public because now that McCain is pretty much the GOP winner they wanna "bury!" him? I mean, does anybody really think he even has a prayer of becoming President? His own party hates him, you have the feeling the Republicans were basically looking to sit this one out, send McCain up for slaughter like they did Dole and regroup. Having to get and bury McCain seems unnecessary right now; I hope a sleeping dog ain't been woke.


Rambler said...

If NYT had run this back in December, maybe Romney would be the front-runner. Regardless, the story doesn't nail it. I need the video!

Anonymous said...

"I mean, does anybody really think he even has a prayer of becoming President?"

Give me some odds. 4 to 1?