Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One Degree of Seperation Now!!!

For Exclusive Chef's Table master classes
Available Monday-Wednesday lunch at a charge of $195 per person (minimum 4 guests, maximum 8 guests).
T: 212 468 8888 and quote ‘master class’ to make a reservation.

Xmastime quickly picks up the phone.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

Voice: Good afternoon, thank you for calling Gordon Ramsay at the London.
Xmastime: Hi, I’m calling about the Chef’s Table master classes?
Voice: ok. What would you like to know?
Xmastime: ummm….what is it?
Voice: Oh! (surprised there's still some hick in the world that don't know what this is) Well it’s a cooking demonstration by the chef for a minimum of four people.
Xmastime: does…(dare I ask?) does, ah (do it!!!) does…does Gordon Ramsay give the demonstration?
Voice: Yes
Xmastime: (on the floor, shrieking/crying like a baby. Make that a baby that’s been dropped on the floor, that loudness/pitch) REALLY??!??!!?!?!? Gordon Ramsay does the class??!?!!!
Voice: whoa whoa, no no, not him. The chef at the restaurant, Chef (insert name of who gives a shit here)
Xmastime: Oh.
Voice: (sensing great disappointment) He’s really good.
Xmastime: Yeah. I’m sure. (rolling “who gives a shit?” eyes)
Voice: it would be physically impossible for Chef Ramsay to be here.
Xmastime: well..."physically impossible" seems a bit strong. but yeah…I guess so…I just saw it’s Mon-Wed…I guess that would be a bit much to ask.
Voice: yes.
Xmastime: and I guess that would bump the price up, huh?
Voice: -
Xmastime: So…you ever meet him?
Voice: Chef Ramsay?
Xmastime: -
Voice: oh sure, whenever he’s in town he comes by
Xmastime: REALLY? (my “my nuts just got bit by a shark” voice)
Voice: sure
Xmastime: what’s he like? I’m totally obsessed with him now cause of “Kitchen Nightmares”!!!!
Voice: he’s great. Really nice.
Xmastime: Really?
Voice: he’s very nice to us.
Xmastime: so I can tell everyone he’s cool? What’s he say to you?
Voice: I have to go, thanks again for calling
Xmastime: tell Gordon Xmastime called to say hello!!!
Voice: (click)

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