Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Upshoot (to Me)

Basically if you've always hated Clemens you're 100% right he's guilty and everything McNamee says is the truth, if you like Clemens you're 100% certain he's not guilty and doubt McNamee's credibility. Nobody else would be watching, cause it's stupid and an embarrassing waste of time to begin with. There was nothing said by the (prosecution?) that I could not parry away with simple logic and reason, and I'm an idiot. Plus, almost every question could've been answered by Clemens pushing a button that talks "I do not know, I am not a mindreader or psychic. Thank you. So while a fun dog and pony show to watch, nothing real happened. Though watching Mad Dog having a stroke right now is pretty fun to see. And you can call me a Clemens defender/apologist and that's fine, but if you do I can do the same for you and assume you're a Clemens hater. So again, at the end of the day, we're all just sitting around looking at each other being psychologists/mindreaders et al.

But a few questions do occur to me right now:

- How come because McNamee said one thing that is proven to be true (Pettitte using), we're supposed to assume ALL his testimony is true yet even though he has acknowledged having told several lies, we're not supposed to assume everything else he says is a lie?

- Why does Pettitte being such an "honest, great guy" trump him actually being a cheater? Okay, great, he came out and admitted guilt. So now everybody wants to pat him on the back about what a great role model he is? Yes, "role model" was actually used during the hearing. Meanwhile, he admitted to cheating. Our national thrill of catching people in a lie (GOTCHA!!) defending themselves, even if guilty, seems to mean more to us than the actual crime itself. I don't remember Andy Pettitte coming forward years ago to be "honest" and "a great guy." The only difference between Clemens and Pettitte is Pettitte, once busted, thought he couldn't fight it while Clemens does. And in a pure he said/he said scenario, he just might; rightfully or wrongfully so. So let's calm down re: blowing white smoke through the chimney for Pettitte. He admitted to cheating; to me that colors anything he says. Period. But no, it's more like "Well, Pettitte cheated, but he admitted to it once called out in public, so from now on everything he says is the truth." Camon.

- Why did it take til 2:30pm for someone to ask McNamee re: going from cop to illegal drug pusher? We make such a big deal about him being a cop, nodding acknowledgement about what a great American that makes him and shrugging well sure, of coruse that's why he kept the syringes et al for years. But at some point, dealing illegal drugs to athletes became more important to him than such "honorable service." What happened? Why? Is that not a big deal?

Anyways. Thank god it's over and Congress can really concentrate on Spygate. You think you've seen Congress fawning before, wait til Brady breezes into DC. Good lord.


ope said...

podan, podna, podna. i like clems as a player. more than any yankee fan save for you. always have. worth every dollar. but ill ask again, do you think oj is guilty?

circumstantial is circumstantial.

Xmastime said...

OJ? sure. Clemens? probably; ive said all along he probably did it. But am I anywhere near convinced based on what i've seen/heard? No. Would I have him serve a second in jail were it applicable, which it's not? No. Nothing even remotely made me think "ha! got him!" We all have fun dogging players in every sport, I do it every day: so and so sucks, so and so's a cheating douchebag, so and so prlly beats his wife etc etc. But this kind of official, formal public opinion execution, Im not down with. It's not funny at that point. I still hold MLB WAY more accountable than Clemens; now Clemens has to live with this around his neck forever, whether he did it or not. This is just another chapter in the more and more unseemly book of gotcha, he said /he said, hysterical witchhunt moments we're accumulating.

Clemens shoulda done something more like Chappelle in that courtroom sketch! :)

ope said...


here. said...

i didn't know you were a republican. maybe we should call you hucksmastime

Xmastime said...

haha! and i love how Mad Dog is screaming that everyone better not vote in the congressmen who deigned to disparage McNamee today. Can he at least try to FOOL me into thinking he's slightly objective, try to fool me into thinking he's credible? His over-the-top dancing on Clemens' grave is unprecedented

Jack Frost said...

Hi. I read the blog often but haven't made any comments until now. If Clemens wasn't taking HGH, how did his wife know she could get it from McNamee?

here. said...

macnamee didn't say one thing that was true. he also said knoblach did it (true) and that mzzz rocket did it (true). that makes 3 huckstablemistime. take back those yankee trophies!!!!!! METS GET THEIR 2000 WS CHAMPEENSHIP!!!!!!!!!!! get yr winner's t-shirts at

BayonneMike said...

Since you're obviously one of those people who won't be convinced until a video of McNamee jabbing a needle into Clemens's ass is produced, let's stick to the perjury issue. Obviously, someone committed perjury yesterday. Who do you think lied before Congress?

Gina said...

the truth is evident in the scar tissue of the cheek that took the needle. A qualified massage therapist should check the cheeks and you'll have your man.