Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hillary is Not Satan for Fuck's Sake.

So now Sully has hit rock bottom (I hope) by popping a hammy jumping up to applaud such a line as this.

The UG, taking a break from their Strawberry Shortcake diarama collection ("best in the Mid-Atlantic Region" - Southern Living), got it correct here. Myself and pretty much all my friends are for Obama, but I don't know anyone who is running around screaming and crying that Hillary is the devil, that they'll jump out of a window if she wins. Most people aren't even interested in bashing her during this whole thing, both because that's how we'd prefer our "new politics" and because we're not filled with the rage against her as Sullivan is. Mostly, I think we'd all like both candidates to go away til about a week before voting day. Maybe she's not super-inspiring and charismatic, but I got no problem imagining her being a good president, and I don't think I even know anybody who thinks otherwise. Ironically, I see her being the button-down CEO executive Bush claimed he was gonna be after Billy C's "frat house" years. Someone needs to tell Andrew to shut the fuck up. Maybe all these hystrionics are to cover his ass if she DOES end up being Bush redux. Whom, of course, he endorsed in 2000.

""They whose guilt within their bosom lies, imagine every eye beholds their blame."

Anyone who knows where that quote's from gets Seven Minutes in Heaven avec moi. Go!


andtheend. said...

blah blah blah rape of lucrece. but what about this:
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."

Xmastime said...

Groucho Clinton?