Saturday, March 08, 2008

I Love The White Shadow, Part LV

One more thing I love about The White Shadow is nobody seems even vaguely impressed that the coach played in the NBA for 12 years. I know the NBA wasn't always like it is now, but this did coincide with Bird and Magic reviving the league. And wouldn't it still be newsworthy, a pro ballplayer coming to coach your local high school? Plus the team is filled with players know...CONSTANTLY TALK ABOUT MAKING IT INTO THE NBA!!! But do they worship Coach Reeves, do they follow him around asking him questions, itching for some extra help to boost their game? They interested in some insider NBA stories? Nah. Reeves walks in the room they're rolling their eyes "christ, here comes Coach Sqaure." Kills me. Like Tera Patrick coming to teach Sex Ed and nobody notices.

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