Saturday, March 08, 2008

Well Gee, WHAT a Fucking Surprise

For fuck's sake - I called it three months ago that Rachel Ray's douchebag husband would weasel his way onto tv, and here we are coming up at 8pm tonite on the Food Network: "Rachel Ray's Open House: The talk show host and her husband show off their new kitchen." AAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!! Geeeeee, I wonder if SOMEbody is gonna mention his crappy little band 900 times in the hour? Fucking hell, Rachel (and the whole damn network, now that I think of it) is about to jump the shark for me. Just like I can't stomach Paula Dean's show anymore, cause you know within 3 minutes one of her idiot sons will come wandering into the kitchen "heeeeey, mama...oh, gee, are we on camera??!?!" and then ham it up yammering for 30 minutes. Christ. I'm watching every minute of this with my Elvis tv-shooting pistol.

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