Friday, March 07, 2008

Oh Goody, MORE Stupid Shit

$42M of taxpayer money to say "hey, be on the lookout for a check from us!!!"??!?!? are you shitting me?

First of all, government checks are fairly recognizable, no? Brown envelope, cutout at the address, Statue of Liberty peeping through. I don't know about you, but I don't get a lot of junk mail that looks like that, so I probably won't miss it. Well, and also because I tend to NOT grab my mail with a blindfold on while standing in a wind tunnel next to a bonfire. If you aren't smart enough to find your check from the government when it comes, then maybe you're an idiot. Or, ironically, the President.

And believe me, nobody wastes more money than me. I'm the guy that spent 7 big ones for prom dinner and then didn't get laid. Hell, I mighta spent 8 but I didn't wanna break a tenner, so that's life (sorry baby!!) But $42 MILLION bucks on stamps to tell us to be on the lookout for something? I mean, is anybody in the country stumped re: when and where their mail comes? Is the Post Office gonna slip into our houses and hide the checks? Is a bird gonna drop it from a tree all of a sudden, "better catch it! go go go!!" These checks gonna be shot out of a cannon all of a sudden?

The whole thing is just stupid. The only other time in life this happens is during sex when a woman tells you she's coming, which nobody gives a shit about either, right? So why start now for fuck's sake.

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