Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Things I Don't Understand

1) The phrase "good looking out." When I first heard this, I thought it meant, basically, "take care." Now I hear it being used anywayhow. "See ya man, good lookin out!" or "That was great man, good lookin out!" or "the money's on the dresser...I'm kidding, it's on the coatrack by the door...I'm kiddin baby, there's no money, get your ass outta here...and hey, good lookin out!"

2) Why more people don't use english muffins. I see english muffins on the menu, I'm ordering some on the side; if they allow me to use one for my cheeseburger I'm prolly jerking off under the table. But I look around, and no one else is excited - hold on, I'm thinking, they got english muffins, and you want a plain roll? FUCK that! Shitttttt's got crispy, crunchy bits in the middle for fuckssake! If I could choose 2 pieces of bread to be buried between, it's be an english muffin. Ironic, no? Something to live for, but you'd only get it after death. Such is life. Well. And death.

3) Why The Rock isn't in more movies. Just for his performance in "Be Cool", he should have first dibs at every comedy out there. HE should be Will Ferrell, not Will Ferrell. Dude's fucking hysterical. I get a movie greenlit, first thing I do is have Judith Light stuffed and mounted (dead or alive) on my mantle, then I'm making sure The Rock gets the lead role. Dream cast? The Rock and Justin Timberlake. Every movie, my own Martin/Lewis. Though hopefully my guys won't butcher "The Star Spangled Banner" or get caught wandering a busy intersection wasted.


Nerdhappy said...

1) Doesnt "good lookin out" mean you have properly shown you are a friend by acting in a caring manner. You have looked out for me, and I appreciate that.

And Xmastime, this took me a week but I did it! Click Here

Gina said...
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Gina said...
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Gina said...

now I can't sleep. Delete. Oh conscience, you trouble me so. I am dreaming of english muffins on horseback while the wind threatens to blow the roof off and George Washington is screaming at me to hold down the fort. Delete!

BayonneMike said...

It's funny you mentioned English muffins. Just this week I revived a childhood favorite: two slices of American cheese on an English muffin, put in the oven until it's bubbly brown. One of the best, cheapest meals I know.

BayonneMike said...

Also, I've never in my life heard anyone use the expression "good looking out." That must be something a transplanted hipster brought to Williamsburg because it sure as shit ain't something a native would say.