Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Verify This, Mofo

These word verification things you hafta do on some websites crack me up; they're the car alarms of the internet: annoying and yet completely useless. I mean, you type in the wrong letters, do you all of a sudden hear helicopters circling since what you saw and typed obviously means you have Laci Peterson in a duffel bag in your breadbox? For fuck's sake. It's more like

"Hmm. That's not right. Try this one:

...hmm, STILL not right...I'm sorry, could you try THIS one?

...still not working...are you OJ? Hey I'm kidding, try this one

Hey, there ya go, you're in! Enjoy!"

Thank you, internet police wizards.


Gina said...
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Gina said...

yeah, and embarrassingly enough, I used to think they were legitimate words, if not English some other language. I'd be thinking, " Right, sjormv, I know what that means."